Course guide of History of Contemporary World Economic Development (2351118)

Curso 2024/2025
Approval date:
: 21/06/2024
Departamento de Teoría e Historia Económica: 24/06/2024
: 24/06/2024

Grado (bachelor's degree)

Bachelor'S Degree in Business Administration and Management


Social and Legal Sciences


Formación Básica



Year of study




ECTS Credits


Course type

Core course

Teaching staff


  • Simone Fari . Grupos: C y D
  • Aurelio García García. Grupo: C
  • Alejandro García Montón. Grupo: A
  • José Miguel Reyes Mesa. Grupo: B


  • Simone Fari Grupos: 7 y 8
  • Aurelio García García Grupos: 5 y 6
  • Alejandro García Montón Grupos: 1 y 2
  • José Miguel Reyes Mesa Grupos: 3 y 4

Timetable for tutorials

Simone Fari

  • First semester
    • Monday
      • 16:30 a 18:30 (Fac. Rrll. Despacho 12)
      • 20:30 a 21:30 (Fac. Rrll. Despacho 12)
    • Tuesday
      • 11:45 a 13:15 (Fac. Cc. Económicas. C219)
      • 15:00 a 16:30 (Fac. Cc. Económicas. C219)
  • Second semester
    • Tuesday
      • 08:30 a 10:30 (Fac. Cc. Económicas. C213)
      • 12:30 a 14:30 (Fac. Cc. Económicas. C213)
      • 15:30 a 17:30 (Fac. Cc. Económicas. C213)

Aurelio García García

  • Second semester
    • Monday de 10:30 a 14:30 (Fac. Económicas C-120)
    • Tuesday de 10:30 a 14:30 (Fac. Económicas C-120)
  • First semester
    • Tuesday de 18:30 a 21:00 (Fac. Económicas C-120)
    • Wednesday de 10:00 a 11:00 (Fac. Económicas C-120)
    • Friday de 10:30 a 13:00 (Fac. Económicas C-120)

Alejandro García Montón

  • First semester
    • Wednesday
      • 11:30 a 14:00 (Fac. Rrll. Despacho 12)
      • 15:00 a 16:30 (Fac. Rrll. Despacho 12)
    • Thursday de 12:00 a 14:00 (Fac. Cc. Económicas. C218)
  • Second semester
    • Monday de 09:30 a 10:30 (Fac. Cc. Económicas. C218)
    • Tuesday de 12:30 a 14:30 (Fac. Cc. Económicas. C218)
    • Wednesday de 10:30 a 13:30 (Fac. Cc. Económicas. C218)

José Miguel Reyes Mesa

  • First semester
    • Wednesday de 08:30 a 14:30 (Fac. CC Económicas C215)
  • Second semester
    • Monday de 12:30 a 14:30 (Fac. CC Económicas C215)
    • Wednesday de 08:30 a 12:30 (Fac. CC Económicas C215)

Prerequisites of recommendations


Brief description of content (According to official validation report)

  • Processes of modernization of the economy during the 19th and 20th centuries: factors, patterns and rhythms.
  • Industrialization processes in Europe and beyond. The Spanish case.
  • Crisis processes and expansion of capitalist economies.
  • Economic revolutions. New technologies, new industries and new rules of business organization and production processes. Social and cultural impact.
  • International economic relations in the 19th and 20th century.

General and specific competences

General competences

  • CG01. Ability to learn and work autonomously.
  • CG02. Ability to analyse and search for information from a variety of sources applicable to the field of study.
  • CG04. Ability to work in a team.
  • CG06. Ability to analyse and summarise.
  • CG07. Ability to make decisions.
  • CG08. Problem-solving skills in economic and business contexts.
  • CG09. Ability to organise and plan.
  • CG14. Ability to convey information, ideas and solutions to problems raised.
  • CG16. Sensitivity towards environmental and social issues
  • CG19. Oral and written communication skills in Spanish.

Specific competences

  • CE01. Know and understand the economic reality, identify the role that companies play in the economy, know the different forms that companies can take
  • CE02. Understand the most relevant perspectives in the study of organizations
  • CE03. Know and value the key role that economic factors have played throughout history
  • CE04. Know the historical perspective, genesis and evolution, of the great problems and economic issues of today
  • CE05. Know and apply the basic concepts of Economic History

Transversal competences

  • CT02. Assess, on the basis of the relevant information records, the situation and foreseeable evolution of a company, issue reports on specific company and market situations, and make decisions on the basis of the resulting information.

Objectives (Expressed as expected learning outcomes)

  • The concept Economy and Economic History.
  • The origin, development and current status of the studies of these disciplines.
  • The different existing sources for the study of the Economy and Economic History.
  • Knowledge of the techniques and methods of work organization existing at that time.
  • Economic, technological and social development from the first Industrial Revolution until the end of the 20th century.
  • Knowledge of the evolution of the economy from the mid-eighteenth century to the present.

Detailed syllabus


  1. Introduction. Economic History, economic development and progress.
  2. The origin of modern growth.
  3. The industrial revolution and its diffusion.
  4. The economy of the interwar period.
  5. The international economy after the Second World War until the 70s.
  6. From the oil crisis to the present.
  7. Economic behavior of the ex-communist, emerging and underdeveloped countries.
  8. And Spain what?


Seminars / Workshops:

  • Analysis of historical documents, economic literature, demographic statistics and economic production, graphics and cartography.
  • Analysis on the use of different energy sources and their impact
  • Analysis of the forms of business organization and work. Repercussions on the economy and society.

Field practices:

  • Analysis of the evolution of a sector or economic activity during the contemporary era.
  • Business development. Applied innovations Institutional framework. Consequences on the geographical, social and cultural environment.


Basic reading list

  • CAMERON, R. AND NEAL, L. (2003); A concise economic history of the world. Oxford University Press
  • TORTELLA, G (2000): The development of modern Spain, Harvard University Press Others
  • CARUANA, L. (Coord.); CASTRO, M.; CUÉLLAR, D.; GARRIDO, L; GÓMEZ D.; MATÉS, J.M.; DE PRADO, M.L.; SÁNCHEZ PICÓN, A.; (2022); Claves del desarrollo económico. Editorial Pirámide.
  • KOYAMA, M., & RUBIN, J. (2022). How the world became rich: The historical origins of economic growth. John Wiley & Sons

Complementary reading

  • BEAUD, M. (1986); Historia del capitalismo. De 1500 a nuestros días. Ed. Ariel. Barcelona.
  • BERG, M. (1987); La era de las manufacturas, 1700-1820. Ed. Crítica. Barcelona.
  • CARRERAS, A. y TAFUNELL, X. (2004); Historia económica de la España contemporánea. Ed. Crítica. Barcelona.
  • CIPOLLA, C. M. (1981); Historia Económica de Europa. Ed. Ariel. Barcelona.
  • CLARK, G. (2008); A farewell to the Alms. A Brief Economic History of the World. Princeton University Press. N. J.
  • FELIU, G. Y SUDRIÀ, C. (2007); Introducción a la historia económica. Publicaciones de la Universidad de Valencia.
  • FONTANA, J. (1975); Cambio económico y actitudes políticas en la España del siglo XIX. Ed. Ariel, 2ª edición revisada. Barcelona.
  • FOREMAN-PECK, J. (1985); Historia de la economía mundial. Ed. Ariel. Barcelona.
  • GERSCHENKRON, A. (1970); El atraso económico en su perspectiva histórica. Ed. Ariel. Barcelona.
  • GONZÁLEZ ENCISO, A. y MATÉS BARCO, J.M. (2007); Historia Económica de España. Ed. Ariel. Barcelona.
  • HEILBRONER, R. y MILBERG, W. (1999); La evolución de la sociedad económica. Prentice Hall. México.
  • HERNÁNDEZ ANDREU, J. ed. (2008); Lecciones de Historia Económica. Ed. Delta Publicaciones Universitarias. Madrid.
  • HEYNE, P. (1998); Conceptos de economía. El mundo según los economistas. Prentice Hall. Madrid
  • HEFFER, J. y SERMAN, W. (1989); De las revoluciones a los imperialismos. Akal. Madrid.
  • KENWOOD, A. G. y LOUGHEED, A.L. (1973); Historia del desarrollo económico internacional. Ed. Istmo. Madrid.
  • KENNEDY, P. (1994); Auge y decadencia de las grandes potencias. Globus. Barcelona.
  • LANDES, D. S. (1979); Progreso tecnológico y revolución industrial. Ed. Tecnos. Madrid.
  • LLOPIS, E., COMÍN, F. y HERNÁNDEZ (2003); Historia Económica de España (Siglos X-XX) Ed. Crítica. Barcelona.
  • NADAL, J. (1975); El fracaso de la Revolución Industrial en España, 1814-1913. Ed. Ariel. Barcelona.
  • POLLARD, S. (1991); La conquista pacífica. La industrialización de Europa, 1760-1970. Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza. Zaragoza.
  • STEARNS, Peter N. (2013) The Industrial Revolution in World History. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press.
  • TORTELLA CASARES, Gabriel (2017) Capitalismo y Revolución. Un ensayo de historia social y económica contemporánea. Madrid: Gádir.
  • TORTELLA, G. y NUÑEZ, C.E. (2011); El desarrollo de la España Contemporánea. Historia Económica de los siglos XIX y XX. Alianza Editorial. Madrid.
  • VILAR, P. y otros (1981); La industrialización europea. Estadios y tipos. Ed. Crítica. Barcelona.

Recommended links

AEHE: in recent times, the AEHE has been supporting different initiatives. Some are aimed at reflecting and exchanging points of view on issues related to teaching and innovation and the quality of teaching education. In this sense, the Didactics of Economic History Meetings have been held since 1990. As of the XI Meeting (Toledo, 2012) its periodicity is biannual and in it the Santiago Zapata Award is given to those people who have excelled in the dissemination and teaching of Economic History. Other initiatives seek to encourage exchanges of scientific activities with economic history associations. In this sense, it supports the meetings that the Italian-Spanish Committee for Economic History holds on a regular basis, whose first meeting dates back to 1989, in the city of Turin. The last one took place in Genoa (October 2007) and the next one will take place in Menorca (2009). And it also supports the meetings held by the Franco-Spanish Committee (Madrid, July 2006, Aix-en-Provence, June 2008). The AEHE recognizes the trajectory of its most distinguished members, the notoriety of the teaching work and the research excellence of its partners with different awards. The Ramón Carande Prize, aimed at young researchers in economic history, has been awarded annually since 1987, publishing their work in the Revista de Historia Económica - Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History, first, and in Investigaciones de Historia Económica, since 2005.

Teaching methods

  • MD01. Docencia presencial en el aula 
  • MD02. Estudio individualizado del alumno, búsqueda, consulta y tratamiento de información, resolución de problemas y casos prácticos, y realización de trabajos y exposiciones. 
  • MD03. Tutorías individuales y/o colectivas y evaluación  

Assessment methods (Instruments, criteria and percentages)

Ordinary assessment session

For calculating the grade of the subject in the ordinary evaluation, the following weights and specifications will be taken into account:

  • 65% of the grade will correspond to an exam assessing the theoretical and practical contents covered.
  • The remaining 35% will correspond to the evaluation of a research paper based on specific bibliographic sources on economic history, which will be presented and discussed in class.

To pass the subject, it will be necessary to meet the additional criteria of:

  • Obtaining more than a 5 (out of 10) on the exam.
  • Attending more than 80% of the classes.

If the last two criteria are not met, the numerical grade will be calculated as the minimum between (i) 4 points or (ii) the weighted average of the exam and research paper grades.

Extraordinary assessment session

The extraordinary evaluation will consist of a final exam with essay questions on the theoretical and practical contents. The final grade for the extraordinary evaluation will be the higher of: (i) the grade of the extraordinary exam or (ii) the grade obtained as the weighted average of the extraordinary exam grade (65%) and the practical exercise grade (35%).

Single final assessment

The single final evaluation will consist of an exam with essay questions

Additional information

The Department of Economic Theory and History, in accordance with the Regulations for the attention to students with disabilities and other specific educational support needs (approved by the Governing Board of the University of Granada on 20th September 2016) will promote the right to education under conditions of equal opportunities to students with disabilities and other specific educational support needs. The necessary assistance actions will be established to achieve their full and effective inclusion, guaranteeing their right to inclusive education, in accordance with the principles of non-discrimination, equal opportunities and universal accessibility, so that they can achieve the maximum possible development of their personal and, in any case, the objectives established in general for all students.

All the material associated with this subject (whose availability will be provided through the PRADO platform of the University of Granada) is exclusively for the students of the History of Contemporary World Economic Development (Degree in Economics) at the mentioned University. Therefore, its reproduction or dissemination, in whole or in part, through any means or device (including platforms and websites such as Wuolah, Docsity, and similar ones) is strictly prohibited. Any improper action will constitute a violation of current regulations, and appropriate legal responsibilities may arise. In this regard, the dissemination of class materials (in whole or in part) in which the teaching staff of the subject has participated will be considered as plagiarism and/or a crime. This includes maps, texts (including the text of PowerPoint slides), graphics, diagrams, figures, etc. Unauthorized appropriation of copyright constitutes a crime and will entail corresponding penalties and measures.

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