Seminario: Bernardo Moreno (Universidad de Málaga)

Mié, 06/10/2021 - 10:24
En la imagen, un grupo de personas asisten a una exposición en una sala auxiliar de conferencias en el Centro de Transferencia Tecnológica

Título: Pairwise justifiable changes in collective choice

Sala: E28

Hora: 12:30

Abstract: Consider the following principle regarding the performance of collective choice rules. “If a rule selects alternative x in situation 1, and alternative y in situ- ation 2, there must be an alternative z, and some member of society whose appreciation of z relative to x has increased when going from situation 1 to situation 2.” This principle requires a minimal justification for the fall of x in the consideration of society: someone must have decreased its appreciation rela- tive to some other possible alternative. We study the consequences of imposing this requirement of pairwise justifiability on a large class of collective choice rules that includes social choice and social welfare functions as particular cases. When preference profiles are unrestricted, it implies dictatorship, and both Ar- row’s and the Gibbard-Satterthwaite theorems become corollaries of our general result. On appropriately restricted domains, pairwise justifiability, along with anonymity and neutrality, characterize Condorcet consistent rules, thus provid- ing a foundation for the choice of the alternatives that win by majority over all others in pairwise comparisons, when they exist.