Seminario: Isabel Melguizo (CIDE)
Presentation of the paper: Effort provision in peer groups
Presentation of the paper: Effort provision in peer groups
Presentation of the paper: Women at the polls: Reexamining their role in the 1933 right-wing triumph in Spain
Presentation of the paper: Business as usual: bank net zero commitments, lending, and engagement
Presentation of the paper: Fair resource allocation in sports competitions.
Véase el programa en el pdf adjunto.
Presentation of the paper: Planting Tree Game under Loss Averse Landowners: an Evolutionary approach
Presentation of the paper: "Strangulation Laws and Intimate Partner Homicides"
Presentation of the paper: Flow methods for cooperative games with generalized coalition configuration
Presentation of the paper: "Local Public Goods and Property Tax Compliance: Evidence from Residential Street Pavement"
Presentation of the paper: Women in Editorial Boards: An Investigation of Female Representation in Top Economic Journals