Seminario: Ericka Rascón (Middlesex University London)
Presentation of the paper "Movies and Mobiles: Empowering Parents to Invest in Human Capital" at 12:30 via Zoom.
Presentation of the paper "Movies and Mobiles: Empowering Parents to Invest in Human Capital" at 12:30 via Zoom.
Presentation of the paper "Determinants of inequality acceptance across social contexts" at 12:30 via Zoom.
Presentation of the paper "Social ties and home bias in mergers and acquisitions" at 12:30 via Zoom.
Presentation of the paper "Protest voting in the laboratory" at 12:30 via Zoom.
Presentation of the paper "The Impact of Environmental Regulation on location’s choice of Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions" at 12:30 via Zoom.
Presentation of the paper "Age-Related Political Bias in COVID Policy Responses" at 12:30 via Zoom.
Presentation of the paper "Youth unemployment and stigmatization over the business cycle in Europe" at 12:30 via Zoom.
Presentation of the paper "Unraveling soft-commitment: evidence from a natural field experiment on recycling" at 12:30 via Zoom.
Presentation of the paper "Sharing the revenues from broadcasting sports leagues" at 12:30 via Zoom.
Presentation of the paper "New evidence on the predictive power of locus of control in human capital investment decisions" at 12:30 via Zoom.