Seminario: Fabian Gaessler (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Presentation of the paper: "The Returns to Physical Capital in Knowledge Production: Evidence from Lab Disasters"
Presentation of the paper: "The Returns to Physical Capital in Knowledge Production: Evidence from Lab Disasters"
Presentation of the paper: "Solidarity to achieve stability"
Presentation of the paper: "World interest rates and macroeconomic adjustments in developing commodity-producing countries"
Presentation of the paper: "Peer effects in pairs: collaborative and individual tasks"
Presentation of the paper: "Environmental Policy Design for the Olive Oil Sector"
Presentation of the paper: "In public goods more is more."
Presentation of the paper: "Education and internal migration: Evidence from a child labor reform in Spain"
Presentation of the paper: "Do Nonstrategic Considerations Matter for Behavior in Games? An Experimental Study Informed by Direct-sum Decompositions of Games"
Presentation of the paper: "Quantifying the Extensive Margin(s) of Trade: The Case of Uneven European Integration"
Presentation of the paper: "On Reaching Social Consent"